The Auxilliary Files - Feldenkrais lessons

6 original lessons to explore the pillars of the Feldenkrais Method

Intention, attention, imagery & imagination, use of eyes & breath.
Through these 6 original lessons we will explore some very important themes. 

In Lesson 1 we will be sensing the body as a whole, allowing our attention to spread and listen in to the whispers and reverberations of each tiny movement throughout the body. 

Lesson 2 is about sensing what happens when our coordination gets burdened with habitual tension and learning to discern the added strain from cross-motivation and stress patterns.

In Lesson 3 we will bring clarity between our Intention & our action. When do they meet? Where do they differ? How can clarifying our intention in our movement produce easy, comfortable and pleasurable action in our bodies.

Lesson 4 is all about exploring change. We tend to prefer the familiar even though it might not be the productive or optimized or comfortable route. Change can feel strange or downright scary
This lesson is about cultivating ease of change.

Lesson 5: In this relaxing yet challenging lesson called “Pneumatics & Hydraulics” we will be finding our breath in our lungs and our organs, differentiating the feeling of the breath in the trunk - the pressures that build above and below our diaphragm, the movement of our ribs and our bellies.

In the final lesson of this course, Lesson 6 - we will discover the powerful connection between our eyes and the musculature of our trunk.. Where the eyes go, the bodymind follows. How will you orient yourself into the world? Are you looking towards what you want to achieve or towards what you are trying to avoid?

Language: English


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